Fuel Oil Delivery
C.S. Myers and Son, Inc. provides heating fuels to customers throughout Central Pennsylvania. Our heating oil and kerosene customers have depended on accurate and professional service for over 70 years. We feature automatic fuel delivery, monthly budget plans, our new Ultra Pay program, as well as senior citizen, veteran and prompt pay discounts.

*Worry Free Automatic Delivery – Worried about running out of Oil? Tired of watching your oil tank gauge? Worry no more! C.S. Myers & Son, Inc. offers Automatic Delivery for our oil and Kerosene customers. We run highly accurate daily calculations and monitor your oil usage to determine when deliveries are needed. No actions are required on your part other than a simple phone call to sign up for this service. We will monitor your usage, determine when you need a delivery and automatically delivery oil to you all at no additional cost beyond our posted price. Call now to receive full details and take advantage of this program and our low prices.
*Monthly Budget Plans – Tired of paying high heating bills during winter months? With our budget plan, we can help you spread those high winter heating bills out over the entire year. C.S. Myers & Son, Inc. offers monthly budget plans that will spread your heating costs over 6, 8, 12 months…whatever works for you! By calling us to set up a monthly budget plan, we will custom tailor your plan to best meet your monthly budgetary needs.
*No Risk Pre-Buy Program…….We call this our ULTRA BUY Program! – This program is much more than just the average run of the mill pre-buy program! We took the typical pre-buy program offered by our competitors and we kicked it up about 10 notches!
This is how the program works; we study fuel prices and watch the markets every day and at some point during the summer, usually toward the end of August, we will set the Ultra Buy price and offer the program to our customers for a short period of time. During this time customers who take advantage of this program can pre purchase their desired number of gallons for the up coming heating season. The typical pre-buy program locks a set price for those pre purchased gallons until those gallons have all been delivered for the entire year. The customer locks in and pre purchases their gallons at a set price. Now here’s the best part!….with Ultra Buy our customers are not only protected against the price rising above the Ultra Buy price BUT, if our posted price falls below the set Ultra Buy price the gallons are delivered to you the customer at the lower price! This truly is a No Risk program offered by C.S. Myers & Son, Inc.
Petroleum Sales
C.S. Myers and Son, Inc. is a wholesale and retail distributor of petroleum products. With three company owned retail locations in the Centre Region, we provide motorists with premium gasoline products at the lowest possible price. For guaranteed quality customer service and value purchase your Gasoline, Diesel, Heating Oil and Kerosene from C.S. Myers and Son, Inc and see why our customers have trusted us for over 70 years!
Station Locations
There is nothing confusing about our pricing structure; just honest, straight forward answers. It’s what you should expect from any good company.
Fuel Station Locations Gasoline – Diesel
C.S. Myers & Son, Inc.
650 W. Cherry Lane, State College
24 hr. Card System
Service Garage
Gasoline – Diesel – Offroad Diesel
Phone: (814) 238-3081
Myers Quick Fuel
1282 N. Atherton Street, State College
Convenience Store
Phone: (814) 237-8685
Pine Grove Mills Country Store
103 S. Water Street,
Pine Grove Mills
Convenience Store
Phone: (814) 238-9090